The Landsberg Lab

Structural Biology of Macromolcelular Machines and Disease
Lab News
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New paper in Nature Structural Biology
1 Aug, 2017
Our latest paper was published overnight in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. The work is the result of a productive collaboration with our neighbours in the Kobe Lab and Ed Egelman at the University of Virginia and describes the structure of a filamentous assembly formed by proteins involved in immune signalling through the cell surface receptor TLR4. A link to the paper is available on our publications page.

Arrivals: Incoming!
27 Jul, 2017
July has been a busy month for new arrivals. We welcomed our new (and first official!) postdoc Irene Chassagnon to the lab. Irene has plenty of experience in membrane protein crystallography and we are looking forward to seeing what she can do with an electron microscope! Alan Munn also joins us on sabbatical for the second half of the year while the start of semester 2 sees the arrival of our new Honours student Clancy and Undergraduate trainee Matt. Welcome everyone!

GRIDD relaunch
5 Jul, 2017
Michael represented our lab at the recent relaunch of Griffith Insitute for Drug Discovery. Premier of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk spoke at the event and was excited not only about the future for GRIDD but also for science and innovation in Queensland.

Vizbi 2017
12 Jun, 2017
Michael is presenting this week at the Vizbi 2017 meeting, a unique conference on visualising biological data that will be held outside Europe and the USA for the first time in Sydney. The meeting is being run in conjunction with the Vivid Festival of Lights, Music and Ideas and brings together scientists, artists and communicators for an exciting week of science, albeit viewed a little differently to what we are used to.

Our first PhD
25 Jul, 2017
Congratulations to Gamma who recently received conformation of his PhD conferral. Gamma has since started a postdoc at Oxford University STRUBI but was back in Australia recently for a quick visit that included the not insignificant milestone of becoming engaged to part-time Landsberg Lab member Jannah! Jannah also recently submitted her own PhD thesis and will soon follow Gamma back to the UK to take up a postdoc position at Bristol Unviersity. Plenty to celebrate then!

Conference report - ECPM17
9 Jul, 2017
Members of the lab attended the bienneial East Coast Protein Meeting at Coffs Harbour. It was again a fantastic meeting and we are already looking forward to the next one in 2 years time! Lou and Sarah both gave great talks and Andrew and Joseph's posters attracted lots of visitors and vibrant discussion. Congratulations to Sarah for taking out the best oral presentation prize!

Our latest paper out today
15 Feb, 2017
Congratulations to Lou who is the first author on the latest paper to come out of the lab. The paper is the result of an exciting new collaboration with Frank Sainsbury at the AIBN, who is using VLPs derived from Bluetongue virus as therapeutic delivery vectors. The paper is getting plenty of media attention (see our Media Coverage page for links).

Conference report - Lorne Proteins
10 Feb, 2017
A busy February for the lab with members attending the 42nd Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function. Sarah came away with a poster prize for her work while Lou and Jannah also presented posters and Michael was upgraded from the lightning session to a full speaker slot in the final session, presenting in front of a packed house that was eagerly awaiting the prize announcement of prize winners at the end of the session.
Members of the lab also attended a workshop on Cryo-EM and Single Particle Analysis hosted by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging and EMBL Australia. Both meetings were very rewarding and enjoyable.

New review article in TIBS
24 Jan, 2017
So whaddaya know? Check out Michael's new review article (co-authored with Joel Mackay, Charlie Bond and Andrew Whitten) for a guide to everything you may (or may not) know about uncertainties in structure determination techniques. It's accessible from our Publications page and is free to download for the first 50 days.

New arrivals
23 Jan, 2017
A big welcome to new PhD student Joseph Box who commenced in our group today. Aside from a keen interest in learning cryo-EM and bionformatics, Joseph is also a former chef and we are all looking forward to seeing what he can cook up for the next lab lunch.