The Landsberg Lab

Structural Biology of Macromolcelular Machines and Disease
Image Collections
[Lab Photos ]
The artworks in this gallery include examples we have contributed to the collections described below, as well as a selection of other images that relate to our work.
Angstrom Art is an initiative of scientists at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience. The concept grew out of a desire to combine visually appealing artwork and internationally competitive science, in order to raise awareness of science within the community.
The Incredible Inner Space exhibition is a specially commissioned collection of images gathered from work conducted at the various nodes of the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility. It was assembled initially for exhibition at the Questacon National Science and Technology Centre and continues to be exhibited at various locations around Australia.

Angstrom Art "Expose Your Science" competition 2002

Angstrom Art Centenary Collection 2010

Incredible Inner Space exhibition