The Landsberg Lab

Structural Biology of Macromolcelular Machines and Disease
Lab Links
UQ Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis - access instrument booking portal for the CMM from here
3DEM - signup for the 3DEM mailing list here
EMAN2 forum on Google Groups
CCP-EM - signup for the CCP-EM mailing list here
Landsberg Lab wiki (Username/password required)
Equipment booking system (Username/password required)
Want to learn about Cryo-EM? Grant Jensen's MOOCS (accessible via his lab website here) are a fantastic resource!
We are a member of the Australian Membrane Protein Structure Initiative
We are a member of the Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre
We are affiliated with the ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging
Professional Societies
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society - organisers of the biennial Australian Conference on Microscopy & Microanalysis
Queensland Protein Group - special interest group of the ASBMB (see link below). Organisers of the biennial East Coast Protein meeting.
Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - organisers of the annual ComBio meeting (returning to Brisbane in 2016)
Australian Society for Biophysics - organisers of the annual ASB meeting and host society of the 2014 IUPAB meeting
Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand - Electron microscopists welcome!